
Ibrox Boss Gambling With His Players Health Again In Rush Towards Celtic Final.

Image for Ibrox Boss Gambling With His Players Health Again In Rush Towards Celtic Final.

It’s always good when a manager takes risks. I like that in a manager.

You have to be willing to take risks if you’re going to succeed.

What is abhorrent is when a manager takes risks with his players, and throws them into games half-fit.

This has become customary with The Mooch. The man does not care about the well-being of his players, which is why so many of them have gotten injured on his watch. John Lundstram picked up a bad knock at the weekend. He left Ibrox wearing a moon-boot. You would think that would be enough to rule him out of the final.

The Mooch doesn’t care if his players are feeling a little under the weather or even hobbling along on crutches. If there’s a way to get them onto the pitch he’ll find it. Roofe is another player he wants back for the game against us … a player he’s already rushed back to the team and then lost again to an injury problem. It’s like he just doesn’t learn.

But why would he ever learn?

He’s not the one taking the chance, that’s the players themselves. He’s not the one who has to worry about after-career long term health effects from too many pain killers and injuries which are essentially unhealed.

There is no way either of those players can be rushed back in that space of time. I hate it when Callum McGregor puts himself through this, and wish to God for his own sake that he would stop.

But Callum gets the clean bill of health from our medics before he pulls on the shirt and to the best of my knowledge never pushes himself beyond his boundaries.

But at Ibrox they openly boast at having five or six players at a time “playing through the pain barrier” and that shouldn’t happen at any club, and it happens a lot at theirs.

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  • John A says:

    Feck them

  • John Copeland says:

    Big Alfoodo goes through the pain barrier every time he plays ! Hunger pains …All those lovely Scooby snacks ,waiting to be scoffed …Yaggeee ! Yikes !

  • Benjamin says:

    I don’t doubt that they’re rushing players back. Every club does this sort of thing, and the doctors employed by the clubs are in a compromised position. In hindsight it was clear Kyogo came back too early last year and ended up with a worse hamstring injury because of it. Likewise, how many times did we rush Kieran Tierney back into the lineup because we didn’t have a viable alternative for important games? This is part of the modern game now, and unless there are legal or regulatory changes it’s not going away.

    As a fun aside, it’s kind of insane the things players in different sports will play through just for the opportunity to win a trophy or championship. Half the NFL is getting pain injections by the end of November, and list of injuries NHL players getting off-season surgery after playing through the pain during the playoffs is breathtaking. Guys have played through broken ankles (yes, really!), torn knee ligaments (with the aid of a brace), and separated shoulders for weeks. I remember one guy had to have an emergency appendectomy and was out playing and blocking 100mph shots the next night! The only thing doctors won’t let guys play through anymore over there is concussions, and that’s only because of the multibillion dollar lawsuits that have been settled.

  • Jim says:

    I’m struggling to find any sympathy for Lungestrum playing through the pain barrier. He has made a career of inflicting that on others.

  • John says:

    Who cares? No more posts about that horrible little toad please. Makes he haw difference to us. Thought this was a Celtic Blog

  • Kevan McKeown says:

    Honestly couldnae give a toss. Only a total disaster would stop us winnin the league now and cannae see that happenin. Far as the cup final goes, who cares whit team he has available. Imo and ah know anythin could happen of course, if we’ve a full squad ready and play the right team from the start (unlike the 2 each game), ah don’t think we’ve anythin tae fear from them.

  • larsson7 says:

    Yilmaz where is he,?
    Roofe and Souter,everybody and the dogs in the street new they had horrendous injury records.Surely the Transfer guru new that,it is horrendous incompetence.
    Couldn’t happen to a nicer lot.
    PS And EUFA are watching them no luck

  • davidmcgrath says:

    exactly….i heard that comment and though ” why is he saying it”… clueless.

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