
The Celtic Boss Is No Longer Committed To The Club. We Cannot Ignore That.

Image for The Celtic Boss Is No Longer Committed To The Club. We Cannot Ignore That.

That, yesterday, was not the straight-talking Celtic boss we have come to know and respect.

If he was committed to Celtic he would have said so once the final whistle had blown and there were no more games for the season. I said on Thursday that he would only be able to avoid the question for so long; yesterday, with nothing else to distract us, he was asked it straight out, and nothing short of a straight answer was going to suffice.

That was the moment, and instead of giving that answer he came off sounding like a third rate politician or a guy who’s been caught climbing out of someone else’s bedroom window.

Look, there are some questions you just can’t dodge your way around like this. He ran out of room to dodge yesterday. He was the one who said that he was focussed on only the game. In the aftermath of that game these questions were not only reasonable but essential and they are the kind of questions where any evasion is an answer all by itself.

There are some things about this that absolutely stink.

I’m not saying he’s wrong to want to explore the option of talking to Spurs; he has that right.

Celtic have rights too though, such as the right to enjoy cup final weekend without this hanging over us.

The right to the protection a long-term contract would have given us and which he and his agents have obviously not wanted to sign. I understand there will be interest in Ange; if he had signed a deal like that I wouldn’t have cared if he left the next day. That is the minimum we deserve for plucking him out of relative obscurity and backing him like no other boss in history.

Our plans for next season are already in place … that guy made those plans.

And now he’s not going to stick around and put them into motion?

This was allowed to dominate the last week, and whilst I appreciate that’s not entirely his fault, there were ways that it could have been handled a Hell of a lot better than it was. He has known far more than he has let on about what’s been happening in the background, and I don’t feel any desire to pretend I believe otherwise.

He stood there yesterday and tried to do his dance when, officially, he doesn’t even have an offer from England or anywhere else at this moment in time. All of it is hugely suspect.

As I said the other day, as much as he sat there at the press conferences before the game and said his mind was only on the match, it’s clear that his agents have been busy boys in the last week.

Yesterday he sounded very much like a man who knows exactly what has been happening behind the scenes.

He must be confident it’s a done deal.

Because how does he even start to row back from this if he’s not got something solid lined up?

What’s his next move?

Pretend none of this happened?

Oh I know some of our fans would be happy to ignore what’s now blatantly obvious if by some chance he happened to stay, but let’s recognise that he had a chance to commit to the club and didn’t do it.

There’s really no way to spin that.

If you asked your significant other if he or she was committed to the relationship and they hesitated, obfuscated and skirted around giving you a direct answer you would be wise to conclude that one of you would shortly be packing their bags.

It doesn’t matter what happens next, that relationship is not going back to the way things were.

When someone doesn’t answer a question like that then things have irrevocably changed. He is not committed to the cause; this is what led to Juranovic and Giakoumakis being sold when they were both one year into long term deals.

He emphasised that point himself; when someone’s not 100% on board then it’s time to move them on.

So the relationship Ange had with us is over, whether he stays or not.

A fundamental shift happened yesterday,

And you know, this leaves us with one Hell of a decision to make.

It would be better, in light of yesterday, for the club to sit him down and offer him a new deal and if he doesn’t sign it then we’ll know what we have to do.

If he goes down to London for an interview at Spurs I genuinely don’t want him to come back.

I very much doubt that anyone at Celtic will feel differently.

Because how can he come back?

That would leave us sitting fearing every managerial sacking down there, and the media would have an absolute blast milking that for all it was worth.

Without his signing a long term deal we’re leaving our club at the mercy of events.

It’s ludicrous to expect the people who run our club to accept a situation like that.

None of us should be put in that position, and especially not the fans.

Come Monday, he needs to be asked to commit, to sign a long term contract, and if he won’t then I would prefer that by 5pm we’re officially in the business of appointing someone new.

The announcement needs to be made, giving us all closure.

We’re Celtic, this is not a one-man cult of personality and someone is only as good as their most recent service to us.

When he evaded the question about whether he is committed to Celtic, his utility to us came to a shattering end.

It is clear that yesterday was the closing of a chapter, and the sooner we start moving onto the next one the more secure the house will be.

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  • Paul says:

    It’s pretty obvious he’s going to spurs. The best odds at the the bookies for that to happen is 1/4. Its a done deal

  • Martin says:

    I get the emotional involvement we have with celtic, James. But this isn’t a marriage. He’s an employee of the club and like any other employee has the right to look at other options. I’ve done that myself through the years and it nwver resulted in me moving on. I think he would be a fool not to see what Spurs are offering. I think it would be a bad move to accept it, but it’s not a bad idea to listen and use that knowledge in any future approach by other clubs.

    This is not Brendan Rodgers running away overnight mid season, even if he does go. When we get EPL interest in a player we don’t react like this, we shouldn’t react like this with Ange. As for the contract situation… It’s as much Celtic’s fault as anything else he’s on a rolling contract, these arrangements here pre date Ange.

    I suspect/ hope his plans are find out what Spurs want to offer (if an offer comes) and decline. Aim to move to EPL next season after a better European showing with us, and ask for more than Spurs offered. But if he goes, good luck to him. He’s worked for 25 years to get to this point, unlike some high profile managers who basically got gifted high profile jobs with tonnes of cash from day one. If he sees this as his chance to get a golden ticket job, who can resent that?

    • James Forrest says:

      Well, see mate you’ve sort of echoed my thoughts a bit. I tried very hard to keep emotion out of that article and approach it on the basis of logic.

      And logically, we’re in a difficult position if he travels down to London, because if this was a player the general feeling at the club would be that it would be best if the deal went through and he was moved on. I’ve had this discussion with a lot of people in the last week and my thinking on it hasn’t really changed much from it was this time last week, when he dodged the question on Flag Day.

      If Celtic offers him a deal and he turns it down, we have to let him go. Because we’re entitled to know the guy in the manager’s job is committed and we’re entitled to be protected by the security of a long term deal in the event he gets an offer he wants to explore. Without that we’re just sitting biting our nails every time we see something change on the Sky Sports News ticker.

      This position was tenable as long as the manager was talking in terms of next season and saying stuff like “You’ll be surprised how long I’m here.” It’s no longer tenable. On an emotional level I’m gutted. On a practical level, I can see the writing on the wall and that without a long-term commitment it’s better to move on.

      • Martin says:

        Do if he goes and turns them down what? We sack him? Really? Or do we offer him a long term deal at that point? Which is by your own admission too late. I kinda get the thrust of your point in the middle but I do think a bit of emotional chimp brain is clouding things (understandably, mate, don’t get me wrong). We would all prefer Ange was locked down (not doing it after last season was a big mistake by the club) but he’s not. So either we rush to make him a long term employee (which seems reactionary) or we hope he takes the Spurs job?

        Or if he knocks them back we have an honest chat about it and say “let’s sign you up, buy into your vision and agree if you get a good offer we won’t stand in your way, but this means we get compensated.”

        Yeah, it’s 12 months later than I’d have expected us to, but I don’t think it being after he speaks to Spurs realistically changes anything.

        • James Forrest says:

          If he turns them down we need to offer him a five year deal.

          If he turns it down, then yeah I’d move on. That’s my honest assessment of the situation.

          We can’t spend next season going through this every time a club sacks a manager down there, it would be ruinous. The club would be in permanent turmoil.

  • Johnny says:

    Absolutely spot on James, the quicker he goes the better I would hate for it to rumble on any further. Get new manager in and plans made for next season underway.

    • charles says:

      The spurs job does not suit him as a manager. He will not have any control over which players come in, levy is even buying players just now. As you say the fact he is going to go down for an interview does not look to good. Considering all the mangers that have knocked it back should tell him something.

  • BJM says:

    Absolutely loved this man but the last few days have made me think twice about ange . Everything thing I believed of him I’m now doubting, thought he was the most genuine honest person in modern day football now is he any more honest than Rodgers .
    Who knows when he trots of to London we may appoint an even better manager/ person.

  • Mike says:

    James – you have totally nailed this in one excellent summary

  • Stevie says:

    Pish. Did you see what he said in the interview yesterday? I’ll try to enjoy the next few days until someone drags me by the collar and I have to answer questions. Does being dragged by the collar sound like someone who wants to leave? I agree Celtic should be offering him a long term deal rather than a year rolling contract. Only then we will know if it’s down to the manager or not. Our normally straight talking manager also said he wants to build something in Europe. Spurs aren’t even in the Champions League. He also repeated he had invested or bought into Celtic and he sounded downbeaten yesterday when he said it. I reckon he’d being pushed. And it comes as no surprise, just like Rodgers, there is someone bigger than Lawell in the door.

    • James Forrest says:

      Absolute rubbish. Sorry, but that’s absolute rubbish. If you think the people in charge of Celtic, and who gave this guy unlimited control, are now pushing him out the door, you need to seriously sit down and think again. Whatever else has happened here, I assure you that is not it.

      • Stevie says:

        Ok James, what we both agree on is that Ange is a straight talking witty guy as honest as they come. He left Yokoyama Marino’s after 5 years or so to a fond farewell and their best wishes. Why is it that every manager at Celtic appears to be leaving under a cloud?

        • James Forrest says:

          I wouldn’t say he’s leaving under a cloud. That’s a bit of an overstatement. A shadow, not a cloud.

          Rodgers, he left like a thief in the night.

          There’s an article about him I hope I never have to write .. I actually will write it, but it’s based on a premise so mad I can’t see it being an issue.

          But Ange, look, I never care what someone does when they leave Celtic. I genuinely don’t give it a whole lot of thought. Anyone who leaves becomes automatically less important to me than they were, that’s just how I see Celtic. This time we’ve done it right though. With Rodgers there was blame on both sides. This time I can’t fault the club in any way, and when Ange goes he’ll acknowledge that and mean it.

          We can see what has to be done and do it without wishing the guy ill. I certainly don’t and never will.

          • John says:

            James, when ange walked in the door, there was no PL. today there is. He wants control he always has.
            None of us know what the conversion was between DD and Ange. Ange may have asked for a long term contract, Celtic may have said no. Who is to blame now.
            All speculation at this point.

          • James Forrest says:

            Definitely can’t blame Peter Lawwell for everything, and on this one, I just don’t buy it.

    • Effarr says:

      Maybe it’s Ange himself who doesn’t want a long term contract. Celtic would have been desperate for him to sign one, so I don’t blame them.

  • Hammie says:

    You say he isn’t committed and plans are laid for next season. Maybe he wants assurances from the board, maybe Lawwell is at his old tricks of promising and not delivering, my point is, Ange has not committed but maybe he isn’t being backed, and I for one wouldn’t want my reputation tarnished and stock lowered by other peoples actions or inactions

    • James Forrest says:

      Na, see that’s a familiar trap here, but one we shouldn’t fall into.

      On the day we clinched the title he was talking about the future at Celtic, and the plans for next season.

      The only thing that’s changed from then to now is that Spurs finished eighth, their shortlist dramatically shortened and their latitude to go out and get someone on a massive salary was severely curtailed and they believe – and they’re right – that they can poach our manager cheaply. That’s what changed. And instead of committing to Celtic he’s now thinking about the bright lights of London. This is not our fault.

  • Mr S says:

    What if Ange just needs some proper time alone with his family to see where they all want to be for the next 2 , 5 , 10 years of their lives .
    Would it not be better to move forward together , knowing your all on the same page , than make a knee jerk decision which may result in chaos for his private and professional life…and turmoil for Glasgow Celtic.
    You see James , things are not always black and white as someone commented …so I’d rather an Ange fully committed , but with his family and his mind FULLY committed , after a mature , inclusive and considered period of thought with those he loves .
    THAT James , is then a manager whom you can truly depend upon to see through what he has begun .
    Maybe a few more years under your belt James ( with respect ), might make you appreciate this approach to life … which might actually benefit Celtic.

    • James Forrest says:

      Well see, I accept that’s a possible explanation but we have to be pragmatic.

      And after yesterday real doubt has been created about whether he sees his future at Celtic even in the short term.

      We cannot have that doubt overshadowing the club for another year … so if he DOES want to stay he’s going to have to sign a long term deal and make that commitment and give us that security, otherwise we have very little choice in the matter and probably have to move on.

      • Martin says:

        Overall, I agree we can’t continue the rolling contract if he stays. I’d have changed it last year but I suppose the board were being cautious after the Lennon debacle.

        I think I misread you, assuming that you were against keeping him if he didn’t sign a long term deal without speaking to Spurs. Which I emotionally get but obviously no sane man would do. Especially during their contract renegotiation.

        For what it’s worth, I think Ange is leverage/plan B to Enrique. But Spurs are also leverage to him. If I was his agent I’d want him to get the best contract he can, even if staying put. A bit of uncertainty over whether he is going to be poached by a rich club will do that prospect no harm whatsoever.

        We’re generally pretty good at picking managers when we do it outside the Hampden shower rooms, so I don’t see it as a disaster if he does go. But we really need to continue with the forward thinking attack minded style. I don’t think I could bear going back to the tail end of the rat’s term or Lennyball.

        • James Forrest says:

          Haha “pretty good at picking managers outside the Hampden shower rooms”!

          You might read that in an article! I really like that haha!

  • BigH1967 says:

    I can’t disagree with anything in this article, bang on the money, having bought into the last two years and ange revolution am saddened at the events of the last week, I have felt something was brewing since the pictures with DD emerged a few weeks back, it’s time start a new chapter for me. The last week has spoiled our treble celebrations for me and left me with Bitter taste, not nice at all, am afraid its thanks for memories and ta ta

  • john clarke says:

    Almost feel the same. Fans have expended lots of emotional energy supporting
    Celtic players and Ange, over the past six weeks. I will hit him with the expletive
    he sometime uses towards players at half-time, when his team is behind. “You f…king owe Celtic FC more than they owe you”. If he starts spraying harsh talk around the Tottenham Hotspurs dressing shed, the young players from working class backgrounds won’t wear it. Ange, you won’t have Michael Nicholson with you.
    On the contract: I believe Celtic FC Club only wanted to give him a 12 month contract
    from the start. He probably said OK. That suits me. I won’t say all the best to Ange, if he leaves; because I am convinced his luck will run out very early in his tenure.
    His swollen head is stopping him thinking rationally. Ange, you are not running out of time. Sir Alex retired at 71 years old.

  • Garry Cowan says:

    Sorry but this is bullshit didn’t jock stein go down to Manchester but eventually refused? If you dosent go to spurs then I’d be happy for him to stay

  • Bigchunkylardass says:

    I think, given his career, it’s fair to say he’s a pretty late bloomer, and so can understand why he would want to at least hear what spurs have to say, which personally is where I think he is at atm, because how many opportunities to manage in a top 5 league are likely to come his way?
    He also baled us out of a big hole we’d got into after the Eddie Howe debacle by taking the job in the 1st place.
    He’s is only doing what fellow x3 winners have done before, Jock Stein in 1970 and Martin O’Neill on 2003 went and spoke with other teams, before deciding to stay with us.
    I do hope he does decide to stay with us, obviously, but either way, I don’t think we can justify being hard on him, given what he has brought and achieved.
    But yes, if he is with us next season, it should for sure be on a long term deal.


  • S Thomas says:

    He will leave with my best wishes if he does go down to London. Ange has been brilliant for us, and we have just celebrated a world record treble under him, so if he does go I will wish the big guy all the best. The EPL, is too good an opportunity to knock back, it’s become like the Hollywood league now with all the best players and managers. The thing is , every manager that comes to Celtic will want to test themselves in the EPL, I just hope he don’t take our best players. Ange should go with the best wishes of everybody, as he has been a breath of fresh air, and I hope he becomes the guy at Spurs who finally brings them trophies if he does decide to leave. Celtic will go on no matter what, I just hope if he does leave then we get a top boss. HH

  • John A says:

    Time to move on, Ange eyes clearly aren’t long term at Celtic. He said as long as Celtic want him he will be there, clearly that isn’t so. Thanks Ange for a great 2 years, let’s now replace him.

  • Jackson says:

    His whole demeanor told us that he was off, spot on with your article.. time for us to move forward.
    If you thought Mcgowans article was bad
    and it is….Keevins is at it too..
    “ if Ange leaves it would be like leaving a loved one at the hospital “…. Ffs!!!

    • James Forrest says:

      Mate I read that this morning in utter disgust.

      It is VERY MUCH on the things to do list.

  • Jamie D says:

    Very interesting article James, however, you have no more information than the rest of the supporters. Like every supporter, Ange must be aware that the present team will not be any more successful in Europe than they were last season. If he has been asking the board for money to strengthen the team for the possibility of trying to qualify for the later stages of the Champions League and been refused, he may feel that this is far as he can go with these players. As many critics have stated, he will be judged for his European results rather than winning trebles in Scotland.I have followed Celtic since my first game in 1948, and apart from O’Neill’s era the board have always been reluctant to speculate to accumulate. I am not suggesting that we overspend and end up like the ‘mob at Ipox’ , however, we must decide if we are to be a serious player in Europe. Whatever happens, the relationship with Ange will never be the same, and it may be better for all concerned to part. I enjoy your articles, keep up the good work.

  • Biffo67 says:

    No one anywhere was more against Ange coming to Celtic than you. Just read what you wrote about him not even being sufficiently qualified to be allowed in the dugout by the football authorities.
    How would you have reacted had he been offered a four or five year contract two years ago?
    Ange has presumably been allowed to speak to Spurs and Celtic may also offer him a long contract on better terms than at present. He can then decide. We’ll miss him if he goes but thank goodness we had him for the past two seasons.

    • James Forrest says:

      Yeah I was dead set against it, right from the start. I asked questions and criticised the manner in which it was done, the people who made the decision and I critiqued the guys credentials, and I did not want him in the job. None of that is news. None of that is hidden. I’ve spoken and written about it many, many times.

      If he’d have been offered a four year deal I’d have been appalled. The club was right to offer him a one year rolling contract and we are right that it’s our policy to do that.

      But we offered Rodgers a long term deal and he signed it. I have no doubt we offered Ange one. He didn’t sign it, and that’s the difference.

      Other than that, if you’re telling me that I’m some sort of hypocrite you’re barking up the wrong tree. I care about Celtic, and my job involves making the case sometimes that others don’t, or won’t or can’t. When I argued against Ange I did it because I cared about Celtic and put Celtic first, and that’s all I’ve ever done or will ever do.

      • Do You Know What Nemesis Means? says:

        Hey! It’s me again! Emotional Fuckwit Reptile Brain!

        Filling your inbox with bile and hatred whilst you ignore me! I know I don’t deserve anything but your righteous fury, because I admit it, I am a pathetic bastard with nothing else in my life but to post stuff on discussion threads. I need the attention because I’m an intellectually stunted imbecile with a non functioning cock.

        But as long as I’m alive I WILL BE STALKING YOU!

        Signed, “Your Nemesis”

        (I know, I flatter myself, you don’t even consider me worthy of answering most of the time and I take up about 12 miliseconds of your day as you send my comments to the bin … BUT THIS IS WHAT I HAVE INSTEAD OF A LIFE!)

      • Biffo67 says:

        I suspect Ange was given a one year rolling contact so that he could have been dispensed with relatively cheaply if things hadn’t gone as well as hoped.
        Do you know if he has subsequently been offered an improved long term deal? If not why not?
        That type of short contract even “rolling” is there to protect the club more than the manager.

  • Stevie Bhoy says:

    And so the media’s job has been done.

    Glasgow Celtic have just made history by winning the clubs eighth treble and all people are talking about is who Spurs might have as a manger.
    Deary me!!
    I for one will continue to celebrate all weekend and make sure everyone knows why.
    Hail hail the Celts are here (and always will be regardless of personnel)

    • James Forrest says:

      This has NOTHING to do with the media.

      Every Celtic fan wanted that question asked yesterday and answered. It’s the manager who decided to obfuscate and dance around it.

      The media did its job yesterday, and most Celtic fans were happy that they at least TRIED to get a straight answer, I think we deserved one.

  • Roonsa says:

    I love Ange and I would say he is entitled to be coy immediately after the Cup Final. But you are right to say Celtic should set a deadline for signing a long term deal. Because you are exactly correct. If he hums and hahs every time an EPL club loses a manager (like every other week) then Celtic need to have full protection.

  • Jimmydoc says:

    What a load of tosh whether he stays or goes he’ll always have the full support of genuine celtic fans everywhere. He has the right to enjoy this weekend as well as the rest of us without having to tell us what he had for breakfast. Its people like you who play right into the hands of the SMSM with your ange out not story.

    • James Forrest says:

      Well, that’s your right. Keep supporting a guy who after this week might not even be at Celtic.

      You know what I’ll do? Support the guys who are still here.

      And by the way, your point about the MSM is bullshit. The media are reporting the news here. This isn’t shit stirring. The media aren’t forcing Ange Postecoglou out the door, they don’t have the power to do that. He makes his own decisions.

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