
Celtic Fans Don’t Know If The Abada Story Is True, But If It Is … Christ Almighty.

Image for Celtic Fans Don’t Know If The Abada Story Is True, But If It Is … Christ Almighty.

Rumours from Israel today have the hair standing up on the back of my neck. Disastrous. Liel Abada out for up to five months? I don’t know where they are getting that, but you hope to God that it is not true.

He’s just signed a new deal. He’s as settled as he’s been for ages.

What a crushing blow to him and to Celtic if he’s out for that length of time.

We just can’t catch a break right now, can we? This is the last thing we need and whilst we have no real idea whether it’s true or not, would you be surprised? The only way this turns out not to be a fact is if our luck changes. What are the odds?

The thing of it is, none of this is our fault. Nawrocki got injured on that disgusting plastic pitch at Kilmarnock which for reasons passing understanding hasn’t been banned. Welsh got injured by a freak accident in training. Now Abada has gotten injured on international duty, and all seem to be long-term. That’s like being struck by lightning three times.

It’s all well and good saying that in this moment of crisis for the player that there are opportunities for others – you would imagine that Yang and Tillio (when he’s fit) will be the principal beneficiaries and that with Forrest also available we have plenty of cover out wide right … still, losing Abada is a blow no matter how people want to dress it up.

He creates. He scores. So far Yang hasn’t done those things, and although I have little doubt that he’s got plenty to offer – and will now get the chance to prove it – there’s no way to ignore that this is another major blow, another area in which we’re going into the Champions League next week with a weaker squad than we had last season.

I’ve covered my anger at the board a million times, in a million ways, and don’t feel the need to rake over that again and this has nothing to do with them anyway. Signing all those wingers has paid off in a way we never expected and would not have sought. But this team is weaker whoever is to blame for it, and only a fool would attempt to deny that.

I am pretty sickened by this news. I think Liel Abada is one of our best players and I was looking forward to seeing him strut his stuff again now that his future has been sorted out. So if this turns out to be an accurate story … God damn. Awful.

We’re only five games into the domestic campaign, but it already feels like forever.

Four points clear we might be, but this feels like it’s going to be a long one, doesn’t it?

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  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Was it not a training ground injury that he admitted he pushed himself ‘too far’ in…

    Get your priorities right Liel and any others at Parkhead… Celtic pay your wages not international teams…

    Apart from having the responsibility for the death of Rangers on his hands, I wouldn’t have had the time of day for David Murray…

    But I was behind him 100% plus for going after The SFA for the wages of his players he supplied to Scotland and that were injured on Scotland’s watch in International matches !

  • Johnno says:

    If it were true James, then why was he included in the CL squad?
    Find it a bit to hard to believe myself

  • Stesano says:

    Hate international football with a passion!! Crazy we pay players massive salaries to participate when one bad tackle it’s over!! Look big John Kennedy ( oh great guy by the way used to train at my old gym at ravenscraig )Not just us obviously every club maddness!! Like most out support for me it’s only Celtic as our club is all encompassing so never was interested as no room for no other team or club! International football should be amateur !! I hate it interrupts the season also again crazy!! It never used to , as I say I detest it!! Long for the day it’s gone!! Sadly seems very unlikely too much money for FIFA tho I see a day clubs withhold their players as we wouldn’t they!

  • Stesano says:

    Why shouldn’t they I am eant

  • Stesano says:


  • The great jc says:


    we’re level on points with Motherwell…
    and 4 points CLEAR of the scum…
    if thats all that matters!!

  • Bob (original) says:

    Need to wrap up Joe Hart in cotton wool and bubble wrap! 🙁

  • Johnno says:

    Still struggling to agree with yourself James in trying to claim that we are actually weaker with this season CL squad than last season?
    Could well be writing off players before actually seeing them in action, and what they could provide to ourselves?
    Have a look
    Starfelt. Philips
    JJ. AJ
    Jenz. Largerman
    Bernie. Scales
    Mooy. Paulo
    Abildgaard. Holm
    Hako. Yang
    Jota. Palma
    GG. Oh
    McCarthy Mikey J
    Big Ben. Iwata

    So 11 changes to the squad, which I would claim as more options available, with a fair degree of potential upgrading in the making also.
    Take into account the 14 we have kept, with a years experience at this level for some big players.
    Therefore are we really weaker just because Jota is no longer with us, and without knowing what palma brings to ourselves?
    Plus is the potential injury blow to abada as big as the one we had to overcome with calmac last season?
    I still don’t believe we are as bad off for this campaign as many are trying to make out imo

    • john clarke says:

      Good analytics Johnno. There is a SPL Club that might head-hunt you. GG was brave in the box. I loved his sliding goals. There is an important factor missing. The team management?. The UCL will be a challenge, being up against three top Clubs.
      Celtic players will enjoy that.

  • Eldraco says:

    Major difference of opinion here but in no way is abada one of our best players. Other than a quick move forward and cut inside and offload that’s it there is little defence in the man as a powder puff and James F is a loyal servant past his best uses for the team at least 4 back up.

    Where we agree is we are weaker no doubt , 10 projects made certain of that , our only light is we win the title this year and use this year CL as the Pathfinder.

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      Pedantic I know Eldarco… But I’d rather refer to him as a Faithful servant ! – I just don’t like that word L**al !!!

  • Adam Thomas says:

    Heres me thinking we where level at the top of the league,and not 4 points clear

    • Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding says:

      We “were” level – WERE

      Where the heck has the H in were appeared from?

  • The great jc says:

    Clear? we’re level on points with Motherwell… and 4 points CLEAR of the scum… if thats all that matters!!

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