
A Guide To The Latest SPFL Shambles For The Thick And Hard Of Learning In Sevconia.

Image for A Guide To The Latest SPFL Shambles For The Thick And Hard Of Learning In Sevconia.

Reading the Sevco forums last night on the SPFL and the TV deal was a trip.

On the day I wrote the third part of the Hidden Hills series, my fictional satire on a Scottish football insane asylum, the debate on those forums about the SPFL vote and how their club is now being “cut out” of the final decision reminded me that no matter how far I reach in fiction the fact of their lunacy is even more incredible.

They outdo me repeatedly.

They think that the SPFL’s decision to hold a second vote is corrupt.

That the decision to circumvent their will is unacceptable. That the club’s rationale for standing in the way of it is perfectly logical and reasonable. There is no world in which any of that is true.

So let’s take their points one at a time, all the better to destroy them.

First, the decision to hold a second vote is absolutely not corrupt in the slightest. The regulations allow for this in precisely the circumstances which their club is determined to orchestrate. The SPFL is following its regulations to the letter and that is the first thing that these muppets have entirely failed to grasp. The reason they’ve done it this way damns Ibrox.

Because secondly, there is nothing whatsoever about the SPFL’s decision to circumvent them here which is in any way wrong.

Some of these clowns have read the reports and presumed that the SPFL actually lost the initial vote; they did not. If Ibrox had gotten its response in instead of with-holding it in the most childish fashion the motion would have passed.

This is pure obstructionism for its own sake.

It is an act of pettiness which takes your breath away.

For the Ibrox club to have done what they have here is scandalous, and when you read the reasons for it is even more appalling.

Which brings me to the third point.

They are willing to tank the TV deal unless they get an apology on a totally unrelated issue, and that the SPFL pays its legal fees in this matter.

Indeed, their club has made sure the media is aware that they don’t even have any objection to the Sky deal itself … they are standing in the way of it to make an entirely separate point, in the ultimate act of vindictiveness. The SPFL is entirely right to seek a way around their moronic behaviour and ought to be considering punishing them for it.

This is Ibrox at its bitter, vitriolic worst and these clowns are applauding their dire behaviour, as if there was some great victory at the end of it and not simply a fresh humiliation.

The SPFL is weak and spineless, but they are also in the right here and it doesn’t even matter what you think of the deal being voted on. The vote was held, and it was won, and if that club had an ounce of respect for the rest of the game they would have accepted that.

But they continue to play their little games. Sooner or later that’s going to have real consequences.

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  • James McAllister says:

    Typical of that shower they think their still owed something because they were a sash

  • Phelim Grehan says:

    I much prefer BT sports to cover Scottish football . Shockingly we have to listen to ex Hun players spout their own agenda usually anti Celtic crap .I couldn’t give a shit about sky sports get a deal with BT done their coverage is far better.

  • Dando says:

    Everyone with an interest in Scottish football has been astounded at what the Ibrox club’s have gotten away with over the last decade+……

    That silly little “5 way agreement” thingy (btw – only one member club has) has absolutely nothing to do with it, honest…..


  • toojo says:

    Do what should have been done in 2012,kick them out.

  • Martin H. says:

    Spfl will back down to these gangsters.

  • Jim Duffy says:

    The problem we have here is that the SPFL will back down from this lot of charlatans,likewise as SKY do ,after the 4 -0 hammering, Celtic players and manager were interviewed with CINCH in the background ,not so good van bronkhurst,there was no sign of cinch on the back ground sponsor board,how the fuck do Sevco get away with this.

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