
Of Course Pro-Ibrox Pundits Think They Can Catch Celtic. It’s A Complete Non-Story.

Image for Of Course Pro-Ibrox Pundits Think They Can Catch Celtic. It’s A Complete Non-Story.

The papers these past few days have been full of two things; “neutral” hacks indulging their fantasies about the collapse of Celtic and ex-Ibrox players being wheeled out to say that their side has a really good chance of winning this title.

If the media things that either of those things comes as a surprise to any of us, or as some kind of blinding, Damascene revelation, they are dead wrong.

We expect the media to turn the guns on us.

We expect ex-Ibrox players to talk up their team.

Look at Chris Sutton.

He has never wavered from his view that we were in a title race. Ex-Celts in the media, by and large, are not sycophants towards our club. Few in the mainstream press have been as critical of us as Sutton has over the last few days, but his criticism is measured and targeted and mostly pretty accurate. It comes from the heart but he never forgets that his job is to provide analysis and to do so without fear or favour.

On the flip-side of this you have people like The Village Idiot and Kenny Miller.

On top of that, you have people like McCoist and Ferguson and even the likes of Lee McCulloch, whose brain power is not even equal to that of a fire ant, and all of them sing the same tune whether they are seven points behind or clinging on to our coat-tails.

None of them ever thinks Ibrox will lose a league title, not until there are green ribbons on the trophy.

They cannot do proper analysis, and these people are everywhere in our media, right across the spectrum from the papers to the radio shows. Every one of their outlets is tainted by their presence there and the obvious bias they bring.

This has been a terrible week so far for these people, as I’ll write about in more detail later. McCoist was on the radio this morning embarrassing himself yet again by laughing off concerns over Ibrox’s long run without conceding a penalty by bringing up that Celtic have had one more this season in the league than they have, as if that was the point he was being asked to address.

The scandal of what’s going on up here is now reaching the nostrils of the media in England. It has taken time, but this run they are on is so extreme, and so obviously symptomatic of something that stinks that those who normally don’t bother with Scottish football are suddenly all over it and can see that something’s not right.

Of course, Ibrox has a chance to win the title.

They always do this early in a season, barring a complete collapse.

We have to be strong here and get our act together; this is still ours to lose.

But for the last few days, and probably for the next few, we’re just going to have to suck this up and make sure that we do our talking on the pitch.

Even if they lost the cup final, even if they lost their next league game, even if they crash out of the Europa League on Thursday night, and even if all those things happen to them in quick succession, these same people will still be telling us that they have the advantage and that they can still have a great campaign.

The day they do otherwise will be the one when Hell freezes over.

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  • Martin says:

    And for the love of God why do think they can’t catch us, what are you watching for the last 2 months, in my eyes it’s winner takes all in the Derby

  • Johnno says:

    We have had nearly 2 full years of the scum trying to play catch up with ourselves in the title race now, and can’t see that changing anytime soon either?
    Let’s face reality as the scum can’t, with the aid of all there scum cheerleaders.
    This title race would already be over, if the scum hadn’t been bailed out by cheating officials and VAR.
    All the while we still haven’t been firing on full cylinders either, which we can point to still not being able to field our strongest available 11 yet to date this season?
    We possibly needed a set back to press the reset button, to get everyone back on board for the challenges ahead imo.
    Some problems have arisen lately, but with problems, solutions have to be found and that remains the job of Rodgers and players have to follow suit also.
    Hasn’t been quite right on to many occasions for my liking, but nothing a few adjustments can’t be made to fix things either?
    Weather that requires new players, or adjustments to team setup or both remains to be seen as of yet?
    Good players don’t become bad players over night, and still believe we aren’t playing in a manner to get the best from them generally imo?
    Yet we have shown on occasions that we still possess way to much quality for the scum to be able to handle ourselves either imo.
    Not bothered by the scum whatsoever, especially when the focus has to remain upon ourselves.
    So when we get our own house in order no one within Scottish football will stop us, simple as that.
    The biggest threat to ourselves still remains ourselves and ourselves only, that I still remain certain about.
    And as they say, the cream always rises to the top, and don’t believe that the SPFL is quite ready for shite floaters anytime soon either

  • John Copeland says:

    And that’s it in a nutshell James ! The biased SMSM have a pivotal job to do regarding the Rangers ‘ smooth operation until the end of the season and this week with 2 almighty important games to be won ,by hook or by crook…shall ensure that the feel good factor is applied from every conceivable source . By the way ,I fully expect Scott Airfield to ‘serenade ‘ his clumpany with a brand new League Cup final ditty on his trusty Geetar ….That’s just for starters !

  • Mark b says:

    You don’t need a detailed analysis or a mega brain to figure out they have momentum. They are catching us l, they are winning games as they are the form team. It’s very clear. Before the late two gaols v Hearts they got we were all set to go 10 yes 10 clear. Now it’s likely two clear we are floundering right now. If we lose Dec 30th they are ahead, on form and with momentum. Will be very hard to stop them.

  • Peter Cassidy says:

    They can can catch us we have been poor for weeks and players not a fan of rodgers tactics that’s the big problem if it’s not sorted out very quickly they will take over as Rodgers also needs get players back on board or he will fail on his return to Celtic . Our play has been hit and miss all season if we are honest knocked out the cup cl very poor in truth a farce”Celtic fans banned from parkhead and away matches so a lot of things on the field and off needs to be sorted out asap

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