
No Settlement Of The Ibrox Ticket Standoff Is Acceptable If Celtic Fans Are Endangered.

Image for No Settlement Of The Ibrox Ticket Standoff Is Acceptable If Celtic Fans Are Endangered.

The “news” today that we’re “in talks” with the Ibrox club over possible ticket allocations for the remaining two derbies would not have come from Celtic Park. We are not the club with the record for leaking private discussions. It’s probably come from Ibrox, and the alleged number of briefs on offer strongly points in that direction.

They continue to offer us a contemptible 750 tickets. It’s a joke. There is simply no way to make it safe for us with such a small number of fans. The SPFL is supposed to be debating whether or not to write a minimum allocation into the rules. I see no point in having these kinds of talks whilst those discussions are ongoing. A five percent allocation, which is the bare minimum we’re seeking, would give us more tickets than that.

That rule change might not pass, of course. That’s always the issue. But I have doubts that Celtic would see any value in another pointless discussion with 750 tickets at the end of it whilst this was still going through the process, with any chance of a successful outcome.

But at the end of the day, one thing matters here, just one; the safety of our fans. If that’s not guaranteed there’s absolutely nothing to talk about, and if Ibrox has finally decided to take that issue seriously – so far they have not – then I can see talks at some point and perhaps even successful ones, but even with a minimum ticket assurance our club will simply not accept putting the fans in harms way, and Ibrox’s attitude towards that has been shocking.

So too has the reaction of the media, who have never, at any point, covered this situation in a responsible or even just an honest manner. This is why I have serious doubts that we’d have leaked this story to them. That’s just not something we’ve done up until now where this situation is concerned.

If I had to guess, I’d say this was Ibrox preparing the way for something. Perhaps for them deciding we are getting no tickets for Ibrox and trying to blame us for this whole affair. Recent events, which I will be covering later of course, have reminded us that their board is out of control and cannot be trusted to deal fairly on any subject.

I have my doubts there will be an agreement here, but having been vocal in support for the club on every occasion throughout this crisis I have to say now that I would be extremely surprised if we settled for an allocation at the pitiful level they think we should get. I do not believe any such settlement would be acceptable to the club, or to the fans.

This has a ways to go yet. The SFA can pass a minimum allocation guarantee and end this once and for all, or we can continue to go round and round on this. And no agreement will be possible in any case without our fans being a hell of a lot safer at that reckless and irrational club than they are right now.

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  • Bob (original) says:

    Yet nothing has changed, to ensure the safety of CFC fans – and staff ?

    Is it Sky pushing in the background for away fans to return for derby games?

  • Frank Connelly says:

    If they cant guarantee to safely protect 750 of our fans then whats the point of debating a resolution which gives us a 750 ticket allocation. gessa break

  • Magua says:

    They can ram their tickets where the sun don’t shine.

    Hail Hail.

  • Johnny Green says:

    No, I can see no benefit in any talks for us and we would not approach them for meaningful dialogue anyway, because we are well aware it is a waste of time trying to talk sense to that mob.

    Fk them………….

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Anyone got any idea where the ‘news’ today that we’re ‘in talks’ came from…

    As if it’s in the Scottish Football Media – it’s liable to be Lies, Lies and more Lies –

    Or designed to make Celtic look Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddd. !

  • John S says:

    An insincere attempt of which Ibrox will later say ‘We tried, it’s not our fault.’ Shameful practices. All from their own fear.

  • Bob (original) says:


    It’s the tried & tested sevco ploy of misdirection.

    After the ref tantrum which successfully deflected from an

    easy defeat for their latest Messiah / manager…

    This ticket story could be a sevco generated piece of nonsense to

    deflect from the lack of transfer activity to upgrade Beale’s duds?

    Mibbees a Europa League related non-story is waiting in the wings…?

    [It would be nice though if our own Board communicated with the support?]

  • Eldraco says:

    I think the current situation is just ” perfectly splendid.” ( apols mike flanagan henry james)

  • James Mcguire says:

    Why don’t we take all Celtic v rangers fixtures to Hampden Park with a 50-50 split for all future league games

  • Andy Boy 67 says:

    What i would like to know is how they get a safety certificate for away fan’s in that corner. It’s not only Celtic fan’s that has been attacked in that corner and outside the ground, the Police are also culpable as they found a stash on weapons left by the Onion bears and not one arrest surely this should have been investigated further.

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