
The STV Story On The Celtic-Ibrox Ticket Standoff Confirmed What We Already Knew.

Image for The STV Story On The Celtic-Ibrox Ticket Standoff Confirmed What We Already Knew.

Last night, not long after I posted my final article of the day, STV News broke the story that Celtic and the club across the city are still miles apart in terms of fans returning to the derby.

That might have surprised some people, just nobody on our side of the city.

Whereas the initial leak definitely came from Ibrox – and I will cover how I know that in a later piece; suffice to say that it was confirmed by Keith Jackson himself in his article on the subject, which I am going to go over in detail – there is little doubt that it was Celtic who briefed STV and a couple of other outlets. It felt like a “clarification” from our side.

And that clarification is that not one step has been taken towards our position. Not one. That was evident from Jackson’s article, which more even than the initial reports reeked of something leaked from Ibrox.

The STV piece made it clear that Celtic do not believe that the talks are meaningful in any way, shape or form.

We’re as far apart as ever.

Ibrox is stamping its feet off-stage, that’s what’s going on here. Their credibility has been shot completely by the events of the last few weeks and they are determined to try to re-take the initiative and paint themselves as the club being eminently reasonable; in fact, as Celtic are well aware, as the blogs pointed out yesterday and as everyone in Scottish football should know by now without us needing to say it, Ibrox is run by people we cannot trust.

“Discussions are now taking place in the hope of having away fans at the next time the teams meet, which will be at Ibrox on April 6, and the following game that will take place in Parkhead after the split,” the report says. “However, STV understands that Celtic will still refuse 700 tickets if offered for Ibrox over safety concerns.”

And that’s definitely come from our house, not only a confirmation of our position but confirmation that we’re not interested in any conversation which doesn’t begin with the safety of our fans.

It’s our only priority and all the spin from Ibrox is not going to be allowed to cloud that fact. Celtic is not going to let the Ibrox club play their little media games with this one.

That’s the sort of response we needed.

They leaked their side of this yesterday and we have made sure to get our side of it into the press.

Make no mistake; we’re digging our heels in here. If the Ibrox club has not realised that refusing to give them tickets for Celtic Park changed the game and drew a big line in the sand, they certainly do now.

They are reaping what they have sowed, it’s really as simple as that.

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  • JimBhoy says:

    Broonie called it recently, paraphrasing, they just didn’t like Celtic winning all the time at Ibrox.
    McLaughlin at BBC now saying rangers needed more seats cos Gerrard arrived, LMAO.

    Another SFA cop out there should be rules designed for these fixtures with a specific allocation agreed that cannot be compromised. Simple enough.

    rangers need a feel-good story, cos they have shot themselves in the foot again and have no wedge to spend for a decent transfer. Maybe Ryan Kent will be back, LMAO.

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Good on Celtic for once for standing up to Sevco in life…

    But, But, But – we know fine well what is coming down the pipe on this subject –

    The SPFL will of course come down on the side of Sevco as per always…

    And grant them their beloved 700 figure or perhaps as a bit of a sop to Celtic a little higher at say 1,000 / 1,500 –

    It’s what the ‘governing’ bodies do in Scotland – pander to Sevco…

    But the cops might just side with Celtic on the no away fans or 7,500 policy –

    And surely they’d have more power than the SPFL and SMSM scumbags…

    There again in Scotland – maybe not !

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