
Celtic Should Support A Football Regulator For Scotland No Matter Our Misgivings.

Image for Celtic Should Support A Football Regulator For Scotland No Matter Our Misgivings.

Going over the list of things that Celtic should do and haven’t done gets tiresome. We know that there are things that we’ve missed and what that has cost us, and we know there are areas where we have dragged our feet and continue to.

This club continues to act as though it believes that Scottish football works perfectly and never needs to change, but inside the walls there has to be a realisation that this is not the case. I know we do not believe that legislative hands should be anywhere near football – we were vehemently opposed to the Offensive Behaviour Act and are wary of some form of Strict Liability – but at the same we cannot believe that football in Scotland is run right.

To change anything needs the building of a broad coalition. We’ve either tried and failed or we haven’t tried at all. If change doesn’t come from inside the game it can only come from outside of it. A Scottish football regulator would be able to do much that the current leadership of Scottish football is either unable or unwilling to do.

It might act in demanding reforms to officiating. It would certainly change rules and regulations on fit and proper person, dual ownership, financial fair play and other things. It would make it nearly impossible for Scottish clubs to mortgage their futures away.

It would not allow clubs to spend more than they earn. And it would come with guarantees for fans, including, perhaps, that minimum allocation guarantee which the clubs won’t provide themselves.

The conversation is being had all around us.

We should be at the forefront of it.

We will not agree with every power that the parliamentarians at Holyrood would want it to have but if we want to get some kind of influence over how those powers are set and how they would be used we cannot but be an active participant in the process, and we certainly cannot be one where our default position to the idea is outright opposition to it.

Celtic should not hesitate to support this idea in principle, and then work with the politicians to decide how best to implement it. It is better to be in that room making your case than standing outside it hollering to be heard.

Our club can be diabolically short-sighted at times, and really narrow in its focus. This is not an area where we can afford to be found wanting. A day will come when this is not just something being talked about on the margins; the closer English football moves to its regulator the more people in the stands of Scottish football will clamour for ours.

Celtic can either be caught cold or we can be part of that process from the start. It would be a good thing for our club to get in front of this issue by making a statement in support of the concept and expressing our clear desire to play a part in framing the debate.

Frankly, anything else would be a dereliction of duty from our board.

Yes, another one.

You can continue the debate and read more over on An Internet Bampot.

English Football Moves Forward With Its Regulator Whilst The SFA Weaken The Guardrails.

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  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Well it’ll be interesting to see if such a scenario comes to pass in Holyrood…

    Would The Tories (and therefore Butchers Apron lovers) on the board enjoy seeing this in The Scottish Parliament…

    Would The Labour (and therefore Butchers Apron Lover Brian Wilson) enjoy seeing this in The Scottish Parliament…

    Is there even a Liberal Democrat (and therefore Butchers Apron Lover) even on the board that would enjoy seeing this in The Scottish Parliament…

    Whatever can hold The Bent and Corrupt SFA and SPFL has to be welcomed…

    And that Sevco and a significant (but certainly not all ) amount of their support detest Holyrood would also be a bonus !


    Agree 100%. Celtic must take the lead on this and build a coalition amongst the Clubs.
    This at least would be a chance for the Clubs to frame the protections and duties they would like set in statute.
    A step towards a true ‘level field’ and no more ‘gentlemen’s agreements’ and a ‘nodding things through’ without the Leagues consulting the Clubs and no more favours to the 12 year old Klub. No Way on God’s Earth will the Tribute Act be in favour of this, it will remove a lot of their power at Hampdump.
    We need to get in front of it to focus on the real issues and not leave it to others.

  • Peter says:

    Same as player wage budgets in Scotland.
    Referee wage budgets are also low, therefore we are unable to attract professional referees outwith Scotland whom have no personal interest in our football politics.

  • Allaboutceltic says:

    Absolute naivety if you think turning the game over to politicians will improve anything. They’re doing very well of making an arse of running the country, so what right minded person would give them control of our football??? It’s a mad and ludicrous idea. Should it go through, it will be the death of the game we all love.

    That said, should this nonsense go ahead, then I agree that we should be sitting at the top table, but I & hopefully Celtic ,would not promote this as an option in any way.


  • Effarr says:

    We looked forward to VAR and see what we got. In Scotland, Independent regulators would be that in name only. Anything, and I mean ANYTHING, that gets set up in this bigoted hole would only be a repeat of the “Old Normal”. Same old masonic jobs-for-the-boys members with top
    salaries and all that goes with it. It will be a thousand times worse if Celtic let this league slip
    through their greasy fingers. If they do, I hope there will be no more automatic entries to the
    CL as that mob will be difficult to shift if they get next year`s swag and the only thing to slow them down would be to earn their place at the top table. As for expecting other teams in Scotland, who are all more inclined to THEM than to Celtic, to join forces????? Only one answer to that …”dream on, mate”.

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