
The Record’s Latest Piece Of Pro-Ibrox Fluff Won’t Be Keeping Celtic Fans Up At Night.

Image for The Record’s Latest Piece Of Pro-Ibrox Fluff Won’t Be Keeping Celtic Fans Up At Night.

The Desperate Daily Record. That should actually be the technical name for it. Once it was a “newspaper”. Now it writes the most abysmal stuff, gossip masquerading as public interest stories whilst the real public interest stories get ignored.

I cannot remember a time when The Record was not partisan and pro-Ibrox.

But I cannot remember when they were so open about it as they are now, or as keen to boost morale over there with fluff and guff.

Yesterday I posted a piece on how they’ve been accused of lying by an Argentine journalist who read their “take” on the Bernabei interview with disbelief.

“Rangers signature of DOMINANCE over Celtic on and off the pitch lands in Adidas hall of fame” screams the headline of today’s awful, swamp dredging piece of both. Notice the word “Rangers” and notice that I’ve not altered it for once. What in God’s name does that screaming, howling, mad headline actually mean? Easy. It’s about a football strip.

Yes, it’s about the “iconic” 1994-96 Rangers shirt which has made number 10 in a list of the most famous Adidas strips of all time. Which by itself is enough for me to say “Eah? What?” Who the Hell is responsible for compiling that?

I mean first, there is an Adidas top ten of strips? Yeah as picked by Four Four Two Magazine. In other words, The Record has gotten a piece of pro-Ibrox clickbait guff by copying a piece of … clickbait guff from somewhere else. Honestly, you could not make that up.

Their “dominance” was so complete that it ended the following year, by the way. We were already on the road to being a bigger club off the field too. Fergus had almost completed the redevelopment of Celtic Park. From that moment we were undisputedly the biggest club in the country.

A football strip getting onto some phoney-baloney magazine list doesn’t change the facts of that time or the dire consequences that era was to have for their club. Let’s not forget that their “dominance” off the pitch was not just about to be challenged but shattered, forcing David Murray to begin the suicidal EBT era which eventually brought the house down.

The Record really does love this kind of rubbish. For the rest of us, for everyone else in fact, it only serves as a reminder of why we don’t buy it and why most people who aren’t forced to (because it’s part of their job) won’t even read a word that’s in it.

It’s desperate, bottom of the barrel stuff. Anything to give Ibrox fans a wee lift.

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  • John Copeland says:

    Remember too that it has a self titled ‘SCOTLAND ‘S CHAMPION ‘ emblazoned on its cover which should be RANGER’S CHAMPION ? It’s primary Rangers scoop Andy Newport does a piece today where he gets an ‘Exclusive ‘ from Lee MC Culloch about how he compares Pip Clem – ohn with Walter Smith ,talent wise ! Then goes on to say how Smith played 8 ,yes 8 ,’at the back ‘against Man utd way back when . Jeez ..not even Craig Levein as Scawlin’ manager ever did that ?

    • Drew says:

      James..i buy my mother the Glasgow Times most days and my God its just as bad..only when we have played and the huns haven’t does it have an image and headline about us.90 % ,of the time its some bullshit non event story with a picture of huns celebratin a goal…with tje print in blue and orange absolute rag

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Wow ! – So now we have ‘The Adidas top ten strips trophy’ to sit proudly along with ‘The close season Summertime Shield’ and ‘The 80 minute Scottish Premier League Cup’ in The Liebrox ‘trophy’ room…

    Jeez – Just how bloody desperatado are they…

    Oh hey ho – The Sevco retards will lap it up big time and doubtless an ‘odd’ Celtic one here and there also…

    Whoever called it The Daily Retard was a true genius on an industrial scale…

    Because The Daily (Retard) and Sevco fans and all that joined at the hip etc,etc,etc etc etc !!!!

  • Roonsa says:

    Does anybody take the Daily Record seriously anymore? Is Just Joan still a regular feature? That was the only reason I read it. For the LOLZ.

    • Kevan McKeown says:

      @ roonsa. Just Joan. Noo there’s a memory. An out and out man hater. Mooth that twisted she could whisper intae her own ear. A look familiar round ibrox these past years ah believe.

  • BroxburnBhoy says:

    When you are small minded and small in stature, even a silly top ten list complied by unknowns gives reason to celebrate. It tells us a lot about this club and its followers. Trying so hard to be big.

  • JimBhoy says:

    Saw the article earlier read first few lies knew where it was leading left thinking one thing was right, Dominance then thought did they mention what underpinned that dominance? We all know what it was and inevitably it killed them. Tax cheating b’stads using money they never had.

  • Jim says:

    Any time in any shop after 5pm , that paper has plenty of unsold copies stacked where they’ve sat all day, God only knows how many they actually sell.

  • Kevan McKeown says:

    It’s typical of all these roasters at the back of chief moron jackson. The graeme youngs, The andy newports, berry, gannon etc. etc….. Ah mean how many are there in that joke of a tabloid ?! The DR’s their ‘safe’ zone in Scotland. Unless you go onto blog’s like this, their pro ibrox slabberin and ridiculously pro ibrox, hyped, bullshit goes unchallenged. They wouldnae dare come away with their endless tripe anywhere else, with a more varied and impartial media. They would be challenged, embarrassed and exposed, for the shallow minded goons they are and they fkn know it. A tabloid crammed wi pro ibrox, gushin fan boys. Nothin more.

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      The Sevco View or whatever their club weekly mag is called will probably be less biased towards them than The Retarded Record is !!!

  • sparks says:

    But it’s a great honour, ok so it isn’t up there with being Champions of Europe or treble world record treble winners, but in footballing achievements it surely has to be at least on par with Kilmarnock having the best pies?

  • Stephen says:

    Just like to thank you James for reading the Rancid Rag so we do have to.

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