
What A Brass Neck Souness Has In Clumsily Accusing Sutton Of Pro-Celtic Bias.

Image for What A Brass Neck Souness Has In Clumsily Accusing Sutton Of Pro-Celtic Bias.

It’s always great when an idiot opens his gob and embarrasses himself.

I am reminded, at times, of a wonderful story about Mark Twain. He was at a dinner where an eminent professor was holding court and sought to lecture the world class wordsmith on his own business. “Do you realise,” he said, “that the word ‘sugar’ is the only word in the English language that begins with su but which you pronounce as shu?”

“Are you sure?” Twain asked without pause.

Today it was the turn of Graeme Souness to be hoist on his own petard, not that the media has bothered to do that. As usual, that’s left to the likes of us to do.

Today he was on that embarrassingly bad radio show south of the border when he launched a completely unhinged attack on Chris Sutton, for no reason at all. He accused Sutton of bias in casting doubt on the Ibrox club’s penalty kick … a decision which I think is atrocious and wholly unjustified, and a result of officials being conned by an obvious cheat.

Not only did Souness make that accusation, he then suggested that Sutton was trying to pressure the VAR officials. He persisted in this groundless, idiotic attack even after he was told that no such thing was possible and that VAR officials can’t hear anything the broadcasters say, although the broadcasters have a full account of what they are saying.

That’s a man proving himself to be a clown right there. That he is taken seriously as a pundit when he talks rot like this is telling. His own comments on Celtic over the last couple of years have reeked of bias and even tilted into raging insanity.

It’s only two years since he called our club “the unacceptable face of Scottish football” in a mouth-foaming tirade after the death of the Queen. How anyone can take seriously his claims that someone else is biased after having to endure that lunatic rant is beyond me, but of course the hacks up here could not wait to get his words into print today.

Souness is a disgraced figure in most pleasant football circles, after his comments about women players and officials. He sounds, at times, like the worst kind of bigot. His comments on Celtic were absolutely unacceptable. Still, he is given credence he does not deserve and that his views, which are most often the stuff of a bygone era, do not justify.

But he hates Celtic. That’s why he still gets in the papers. For him to accuse anyone of bias is ridiculous. His comments today were unintentionally hilarious.

I started with Mark Twain, so let me finish him with; “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” That’s all Souness did today in attacking Sutton on the basis of his “bias.” What a clown.

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  • Stewart says:

    The only peaple that put var officials under pressure are themselves, try to justify the strange calls they make regarding the team from ibrokes

  • Magdalena’s Chestnut Gelding says:

    I think “the man with the film star looks” should be owed a debt of gratitude from Celtic fans!

    For it was he who was involved in the shady Boumsong deal (allegedly 25% to the player 25% to whomever paid his wage 25% to the agent and 25% to the clumpany – ALLEGEDLY) which lead to the visit of London’s finest up the marble staircase to discover more than just a dodgy transfer!

    Moreso he had an EBT himself whilst manager of an other club that paid over the odds for the likes of Tuguy!

    The bold Graeme contributed a great deal to the death of Dead Cheats FC!

    Bravo Graeme you pumpkin headed p3!ck!!

  • Pan says:

    Souness is a known anti-Catholic and anti Irish and anti-Celtic HYPOCITE.
    Apart from that, he appears to have an IQ which would embarrass an earthworm, as well as an inability to control his temper.

  • Skinny Jim says:

    Strange how many words in relation to the Gram of Sourness begin with the prefix Bi – …

    Biased, Bigoted, Bi-Weekly ( Ludge meetings), Bisexual …

    They don’t call him Pe-ness for nothing, you know!

  • Daniel Hannah says:

    Brilliant response, if Pennis had big enough tongue hed lick his own arse, The bighead ,s Mr Bighead.

  • Bob (original) says:

    And a personal favourite:

    “Never argue with stupid people:

    they will drag you down to their level,

    and then beat you with experience.”

    Souness is just a stupid, old fool.

    That’s about it?

  • JimBhoy says:

    And another thing did anyone listen to Miller’s commentary? Absolute mince, he is the schemey commentator.

    “Rangers are pressing the same way as Celtic” he said in the first half. Rangers did not have 4 passes together thru their midfield. Long ball game for them.

    Souness was the first sleekit pundit I ever heard, fat Sally is in the same mould.

    Can’t wait for the next Derby game. HH

  • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

    Peeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnisssssssssssss ! Peeeeeeeennnnnnnnissssssssss!

    Well remember him getting that big time at Parkhead the night that Celtic beat him 1-0 there with a late(ish) winner…

    The thing is the above words at the start of the post is a useful thing –

    Something Souness certainly isn’t for sure !

  • Fat mike says:

    The same idiot that said James mcclean should ‘grow a thicker skin’ and ‘expect abuse for disrespecting the poppy’ while correcting Derry to the planters version.. The English and its media has little or no understanding/complete ignorance to issues regarding ireland, sectarianism, and actual accounts of history that don’t fit their skewed narrative. That’s why souness can spout this shite with impunity down there. Pathetic excuse for a man, he’ll be in a kick racism out of football advert next flashing the fake teeth ?

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      I wonder how Souness feels when 50,000 of his fellow kith and kin belt out that they’re guarding oul’ Derry’s walls…

      See it’s DERRY when it suits them…

      Silly Silly Billy’s – Cock sucking to London where they’re not liked or not wanted !

  • SSMPM says:

    Like McCoist through the years Souness is too short tempered to mask or temper his own bias and sectarianism that the footballing tv and press bigots so love to support.
    That man, like the rest of them can’t hide the fact of the songs they sang in the changing rooms as outed by a certain T. Butcher.
    To call out Sutton for having a bias is simply another example of his hypocrisy gone mad, produced and fit only for the hun loving rags and for an out of touch has been. Welcome to the 21st century. HH

  • Bhoy4life says:

    Yet another pattern of assistance.
    Any ex Sevco player or fanboy pundits comments are printed verbatim.
    Yet the likes of Sutton, Stewart, Hartson shut down immediately.
    There’s only ever been one narrative, but its now bordering on Putin style presentation in the best wee country in the world.

  • Paul Mac says:

    Regarding this issue that the broadcasters can hear the VAR discussions, I find it hard to believe, especially as the commentators (not known for their fantastic intelligence) would comment, I know Andy Walker supposedly stated it in the past, whether that was actually true or not is also open to question .. I know over here in Portugal that is definitely not the case .. They are however starting to relay in the stadium the decisions after any VAR check. They also (this season anyway) have started to broadcast weekly (on the Sky Sports equivalent channel ) on the day after the last match the VAR decisions together with the audio conversation between VAR and the match Ref, with an analyst explaining the decisions and giving their point of view, sort of like that Gallagher fella does on SKY, but with the extra of actually hearing the conversations.
    This past weekend has also been scandalous over here with Di Maria throwing a punch in the Lisbon derby and not even receiving a card, just a talking to ! Pepe was sent off by simply complaining about a decision (that he wasn´t even involved in .. just acting as team captain) and indicating that the officials need glasses. Likewise with Scotland, Portugal supposedly will not provide refs for either the Euro´s or the Olympics.

  • Annibannani says:

    Speaking of bias, no one has picked on up the comment by Kenny Miller when he said, ‘that’s a foul to us’ during the game. The commentator the quickly said that’s a free kick to rangers*.

    • Clachnacuddin and the Hoops says:

      Someone wants to remind him that he once supported a team in Green and White (Hibernian) before he whored himself to Sevco after he drank whatever poison it is that they seem to have within the walls of Liebrox !

  • John mcghee says:

    G.Souness the man had to use EBT SIDELETTERS to make a name for himself in management he cheated at oldco ranjurs the day he walked him he things he’s a hardman the guy is the biggest clown on sky sports honest Roy Keane puts him in his place and souness says fuck all the clown.

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